Why is Blamer sticking to my armpit? She wants to smell it? No lah, cos she is happy tat I'm accompanying her to meet Fling in JB.

First stop, Fling and her sis (yup the one in the light blue polo-t) brought us to the other Bah Kut Teh shop which according to Fling, serves a better version than the one we had.

Wa judging by the crowd, seems like this shop enjoys better biz leh. We waited over half an hour before we got seats.

Golden mushrooms unique to Malaysian Bah Kut Teh I think. Plus they will add straw mushrooms, pork belly and other stuffs inside too.

Oh and Fling particularly likes this shop cos their pork ribs are softer than the previous shop that we went to.

Besides the soup, there's oso this braised chicken that Fling's mum highly recommended.

And this one too, heard it's good for pregnant ladies. Wa ha ha.

And the SOP condiments for every Bah Kut Teh, preserved vegetables and doughsticks!

After Bah Kut Teh, we went to this cafe called Lavender, I think it's quite a popular hangout place for JB people.

I had some fruit freeze which I had forgotten which fruit. wa ha ha.

Fling ordered one of their flower teas. Which was not too bad.

Posing with my dear Blamer in the cafe.

Noel joined us later and we ordered some banana pancake... ...

and chicken wings to go with the drinks... Notice the hairy stuff sticking out of the wings? Noel assured me though that they were definitely not unplucked feathers.

It seems that what we had was not enuf to feed four hungry gluttons. Had some more ice-cream courtesy of Fling.

Wa ha ha ha, scoop scoop scoop!

Spent some time flipping thru Blamer's old year books. Too bad she won't allow me to post some of the rare pics I found in them. Wa ha ha ha.. ...

Oh another rare sight, but this time it's the rainbow in the background. Can you see it?
It's the first time I saw a full arc rainbow (and here's a video to prove it) Wonder where is the pot of gold?

A sneak peek at Fling's sister's bag collection. It was like 相逢恨晚 for the two of them, or should I say it's more like 英雄所见略同?Both of them are so into branded bags that they started talking in baggish language and was so immersed in exchanging their 心得 that the rest of us were totally ignored.

Finally a pic of Noel, must be too tired being our chauffeur of the day.

Notice all the non-drivers had smiles over their faces. Wa ha ha ha. Sorry Noel... ...

Yummy-li-ous cuisines from the legendary Hak Seng Restaurant. Heard the owner has serious attitude problem, but apparently, he still enjoys very good biz. Waited quite long for the food to come. Love the sweet n sour fish the most. An interesting trivia of this place: when u place order for say, a fish, a pork dish or a vege dish, the owner will make the decision on how they are supposed to be cooked. Who says the customer is always king???

Finally, it's time to be on our way back. First time taking the bus out of Malaysia, (no Noel's godfather to fetch us this time) How I wish Blamer will get me a car for my birthday (Blink Blink eyes big big)

Haiz.... but this was all I got... ... : (