A series of bdae posts to be updated before we welcome 2011! I do hope I didn't miss out any of the celebrations as my pics were scattered all over the place (external HDD, Leecher's laptop, my laptop, numerous thumb-drives etc)
First up, we have Ronnie, affectionately known as Ron Ho Ho Ho's bdae surprise party! Ron's little sis, Doreen, planned this surprise party & roped in our help, with the aim to tekan her brother. When it comes to tekan-ing Ron, we were all for it!
Ryan & ZZG's task was to jio Ron out for brunch, so we can go to his place to get ready. The sisters met up and cabbed to Ron's place, where we had to follow instructions from Doreen.

Posing for the picture before we ventured off to our designated stations.

Bdae picture card for dear Ronnie with our greetings!
It was the amazing race for Ronnie's Bdae! We couldn't get pictures for the 1st stop as Fling & I were stationed at the 2nd stop.
Task for Ronnie: to do 10 pull-ups and 40 sit ups in 3 minutes. Before that, Fling & I added in a sub task: to shout "Fling & Caihong are the prettiest" before he starts the exercise, LOL.

Ron's arrival @ our station, in the lovely boxers that Doreen bought for him, LOL.

Counting the # of pull-ups.

Sit-ups - going strong brother!

Taking a breather. Come on, no time to waste!

Pushing himself to the limit.

Just when he thought it would end here, Doreen informed him that there's another station that he has to go through.

Cheeky smile before he realised what's in store for him at the fields.

Station Master, Miaoli explaining the rules to him.
Task: He had to turn himself around the umbrella 10 times, then went to collect the number cards (1-10) in sequence from one of us.

I think he must be feeling giddy after 10 turns.

Ron running around and chasing us for the number cards.

The finale: to shout to the opposite block "Hello, I'm Ron Ho and today is my bdae" and we must see at least 5 pple looking out from the windows.

Good job brother! We are so proud of you!