Welcome to the new blog layout :) I wanted to revamp the skin completely but that will take up too much time so I did some tweaks here and there just to satisfy my 三分钟热度. So, Jan and Feb came and went and now, we are almost at the end of Q1. Weekends are more precious and my preferred way is to be couch potatoes in front of the TV spend quality time with Leecher at home.

We slept for only 5h before we woke up to begin our journey to the 12 Apostles, hopefully to catch the sun-rise. The journey took around 40 min from our accommodation, but we miscalculated the timing so we missed the sunrise. It was also cloudy, so we couldn't see much sun rays along the journey too.

Then, it started drizzling when we arrived. We stayed in the car, waiting for the rain to stop. A full arch rainbow greeted us when we stepped out of the car, how lucky! Wonder if we'll find gold at the end of the rainbow, lol. The place was still pretty quiet, though we can see a couple of cars in the car park. With our gear in place, we began our journey towards the park.

The pathway which will bring you to the 12 Apostles.

First view of the 12 Apostles - item on bucket list checked! After years of procrastination (while I was checking bucket list items elsewhere), we finally got to witness the beauty of the 12 Apostles - technically 8 are standing now, with the last collapse in 2005. It certainly felt surreal as we stood there, taking in the sights. We probably would have seen lots of pictures splashed across the internet, but nothing beats seeing it with your own eyes.

At the end of the path, you will see this circular lookout area. For shorties like me, you can't get a decent picture with the apostles due to the fence-like structure which branched out from the walls.

This area is much better for picture taking, low fence and a splendid view. #photographytips
Perks of having short hair, lol #oneshotonekill

Being at the edge of the coastline, it was extremely windy and the wind was playing a game with my hair, arg! I was also freezing and had to use the blanket for extra protection.

No matter how I try, hair kept getting into my face and it took Leecher several tries before he can get a decent pic of me without-hair-in-my-face.

Perks of having short hair, lol #oneshotonekill

When the sun is up, the crowd starts streaming in. We took it as a sign that we should head to the next stop. We walked back to the visitor center and headed towards Gibson Steps Lookout.

Along the way, we came across a field where lambs were roaming freely, such a carefree sight.

Halfway, we decided to turn back for the sky looked threatening and we were in the middle of nowhere with no shelter in sight. We struggled with our return journey for the wind was really strong. We hopped onto the car, soaked in the sights along the coast line before ending the trip at Port Fairy (more on that for another entry). As we drove back from Port Fairy, we decided to head back to 12 Apostles to catch the sunset.

Lucky us caught sight of the rainbow on the way back. It felt so surreal seeing the rainbows, which added to the beauty of the coastline.

A huge group of camera enthusiasts has gathered and lined up the bridge with their DSLRs and filters, hoping to capture the magnificent sunset. The pathway was crowded, but everyone still made space for all to witness the wonderful moment. We lingered till the last ray of sunlight before deciding to call it a day.
12 Apostles
Great Ocean Rd & Booringa Rd, Princetown VIC 3269, Australia
❤ ❤ ❤ Read the rest of our Melbourne adventure here ❤ ❤ ❤