Been wearing quite a lot of reds and white recently, maybe cuz it's the national day week. I like national day, even more so when I can have a long weekend. Every year, I'll look forward to hearing the NDP theme song, but nothing can beat the all time favourite theme song - Home, by Kit Chan way back in 1998.
National Day Eve 2012 has another significance for me, as we will be launching our debut collection!

That's the reason why I was kept busy for the past few months - sourcing for suppliers, arranging for photoshoots, putting the pieces together. We were rushing to meet the target deadline for the official launch. Looking back, it was sheer hard work and I'm glad to be in this together with the partners, who have been nothing but amazing! mega hugs, kisses and love!

We ventured outdoors for our 1st photoshoot, look at the amount of stuff that we brought along!

The walls were decorated with inspiration quotes, to inspire the next generation.

Don't think he knows how to appreciate it, much less be inspired by it.

Nice spiral staircase in the building. Wanted this as our back drop, but decided against it.

Ferried our stuff over to the photoshoot area once our models are ready.

The place for photoshoot!

The stuff that we brought along seemed to have increased, haha!

Making sure the models are picture ready! If not, will kena scolded by the photographers :(

Leecher & ShuChuan doubled up as our photographers for the day. Kudos to them for enduring the sun, trying to capture all the pictures.

We were thankful to be standing in the shade - the sun was too fiery and we all went home one shade darker!

Taking a break when I'm not being called, haha! Those who were not modelling are the ba-ga-liao queens.

Standing by with the accessories required for each outfit.

Kena called up to pull the leaves & twigs away, while photographers take their pictures of the model. Leecher must have taken this pic of me being bossed by them as a memento!

Work VS Play! haha, caught on camera :p

After 4 hours of pic taking, we were all glad to wrap things up! Mega thanks to everyone present that day :)

Before I forget, rem to
shop at
SWIRL! Debut launch on 8th Aug 2012, Wednesday @ 12 noon :)