Dent dent has a new sibling! Contemplated for the longest time ever to get a new camera, as we wanted to capture nicer pictures during our honeymoon trip. 难得 Leecher 自告奋勇 want to research on the camera, since camera specs don't gel with me. All I can remember was Olympus Pen Lite, as the guy in the advertisement was quite shuai (heehee, the wonders of marketing!). So Leecher & friends went to the IT show and shortlisted a few cameras, while I just tagged along to try out the cameras (as deep down, I know Leecher only have 三分钟热度, end day, I'll be the one stuck with the camera). So I need to test out the weight & ease of usage & of cuz, the price tag!
Hahaha.. makes me think back when my ang & me went down to car show room... while he was looking and reading the specs, I happily thinking which color is nice... till my ang BTH and told me "you thought you buying clothes ah? choose color seems to be your pirority than practicability.." wahahaha.. that's why women and guy are just so different.. keke
haha, yes! All the specs and whatsnot don't gel with our brain at all, lol! My hubby tried to explain it to me in bags-term, but he gave up after a while, lol :P
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