It's the time of the year whereby Leecher will add one more candle on his bdae cake :) This year, I roped in the help of a beloved fren, FMQ in planning Leecher's bdae surprise.
As Leecher nags constantly over his "imaginary car" - ya, been wanting me to BUY him a car, like DUH?! - so, I decided to grant him his wish & present him with a car-themed bdae, haha ... 没有虾,虾米也不错。

12 cupcakes delivered to his office, courtesy of FMQ + sister & parents. Wa, my 面子 is so big that even the parents also 出动. As Leecher was totally unaware of this bdae surprise, he was very skeptical when FMQ's sister called him on his mobile and congratulated him on winning the big prize of some survey.
Calling the office phone...
Sister: Hello, is this Keith? I want to congratulate you for being one of our lucky winners in a survey u participate six months ago.
Leecher: Huh? Wat survey? I dun remember writing any survey?
Sister: Like I said, it was six months ago, you probably can't remember. Anyway, I'm already downstairs at your workplace, is it OK that u come down to collect the gift?
Leecher(thinking it's a hoax): Ok later. (no intention of going down at all)
After a few minutes ....
Sister: Hi Keith, you coming down? I really need to hand the gift to you. You see, we've got this quota to meet and I must really hand over the gift personally.
Leecher: Eh,I really can't get away. Tell you what, why not you just keep the gift? I dun want it. (turning to my mentor: wa this marketeer very persistent leh)
Sister: Well, why not I come up to pass it to you instead?
Leecher (taken aback): Fine, if it's so important, then please come up... ..(thinking to himself; so desperate ar?)
Great prank pulled off when he came out of his office & saw FMQ's sister, haha. Wished I could be there and witnessed this :P

Bdae boy posing with his cupcakes & totally paiseh that FMQ's mum came along as well, opps :X
Pre-Bdae Celebration
Leecher declared that his bdae has to be celebrated for 12 days (crazy, think it's Xmas ar?) & wanted 12 presents. I rebutted him that he received 12 cupcakes, 1 cupcake = 1 present, wa ha ha... Brought Leecher for some ice-cream treat using MY vouchers (vouchers also money lo ...)

Finally saw the cupcakes! Fabulous job & Leecher acting cute with his age ...

Forced me to take picture with "72" .... I look like 72 meh?
Actual Bdae CelebrationPopped by Leecher's place with more presents on his bdae :)

More car-related presents for his car-themed bdae! Poor me had to search high & low in my house for colour pencils, so that I can colour the car card that I specially made for his bdae. Made my brother go back to his school to order and collect the car-plate thingy even though it was his holidays. See, to celebrate his bdae, I need to exhaust all my resources and connections .... so I think I deserve *something* for my bdae, wa ha ha ...

Mummy even went to buy a bdae cake for Leecher, wa ... so 偏心.

Leecher insisted on only 1 candle on his bdae cake, haha, want to act secretive. Please lo, the whole world already knows your age :P

Make a wish - to 疼 Blamer more, yes! - and blow out the candles ...

The cousins dropped by for a visit and joined in the celebration.

Of cuz must take a picture with his beloved Blamer rite?
Time to head out for dinner. It rained the whole day on Leecher's bdae - according to traditions, when it rained on your bdae, it means that you're one stingy fellow. Gosh, this implies that Leecher is super duper giam siap, wa ha ha :P

Took Leecher to Aburiya located @ Robertson Quay - 鸟不生蛋的地方. Think the place is really inaccessible & the cab driver didn't really have a clue where the place was located even though I got the address.

I can sense the knife kena sharpened at this very instant .... *shivers*

Mission Accomplished with a Blamer's head-kena-chopped-big-time look.

The set meal that consists of 4 different beef cuts, salad, beef stew, mushrooms, kimchi, tamago miso soup & rice. I also ordered the hamburger that comes with 3 different types of sauces. I love the beef stew - the beef just melts in your mouth, literally. Grilled mushrooms + sauce is another of my fave. It's a pity there were no 2nd helping :(

Leecher is the officially appointed chef-of-the-day; can't expect me to pay and also to cook for him rite? He also has to do some work, hahaha .... It was actually quite a good experience to grill food over the charcoal stove while it poured heavily outside. Can 取暖 by the stove :)

Happy Birthday to my Leecher
Don't blame me for your ever-expanding waistline hor - you ordered the food yourself, hahaa :P