Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Spring Cleaning

I don't have a habit of spring cleaning during CNY, but this year, mummy dearest issued an order for me to head back and clear out my stuff from the store-room - which was filled up with lil bro & my items. The last time I did a major clear-out was when I shifted house to our love nest. Back then, my room looked like this:
Yup, my room was clustered with clothes & I always feel that I have got nothing to wear *slaps forehead with palm*
 Operation Clean-up! I gave away quite a lot of clothes to my lil cousins while the rest went to the flea market.
 I threw away a lot of stuff, including the flower bouquets that Leecher gave me during our courtship days. My room became tidier after this, partly cuz I've transferred most of my stuff to our current place, lol! 
Some of the books/boxes that I kept in the store-room. Away from sight, away from mind mentality. 
All the business textbooks that accompanied me during my uni days. Wanted to keep it for lil bro, but he chose to study engineering instead. 
The killer subject during our 2nd year!
Then, I discovered my stash of F4 magazines! I used to be a huge fan of them, all because of Meteor Garden :)
One of my fave mag cover of them, this book is almost 10 years old! Still in good condition.
Found my zai zai pillow case, which was part of the gift for his 2nd album. Those were the days when I even went to queue up for his autograph, lol! #wewereyoungonce.
As I was busy tidying the room, Leecher was snoozing away! #lazybum. 

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