Monday, July 29, 2013

Family Outing: Heading to Pengerang Part Three

 Part One, Part Two
Hello everyone! Monday yet again, lol! I thought I'll be well-rested during the weekend, but I was sooo wrong. We attended a wedding on Sat & I was dead tired by the time we reached home. I guess I really need to spend more time connecting with my bed :) There are times when I will wake up in the morning and feel extremely tempted to take a day of leave and spend my day sleeping. 
Back with another entry on our journey to Pengerang, lol! I know, 3rd entry & yet we are still on the way - reminded me of how often the brothers will say "on-the-way" & what they really meant was I'm-just-stepping-out-of-my-house-and-on-the-way-to-meet-you. #truestory.
It was approx 1hour journey to Pengerang. For the first 15 min on board the ferry, I was busy snapping away on my camera, which pretty much drained off my battery towards the mid-day & I didn't bring my spare batt :(
Spotted the famous in-house ferry that takes our army boys to Tekong, lol! Yes, I did wave "HI" to them #justforfun.
The breeze made it sooo enticing to catch a nap, which Roger did!
 There were certainly interesting things to look out in the midst of the sea as well. We spotted this huge vessel named "Pacific Harrier", built in 2012 & sailing under the flag of Cyprus. It looked enormous next to our tiny boat.  
 The boat ride was better than I had expected, so I got up and did some stretching. Well, nothing to explore on board apart from walking 10 steps to and fro.

Benjamin didn't join us this time round, but Ervin made it for this trip.

The "elder" boys in the group, lol!

I'm sure you can tell that I was starting to get bored. I showed my China colleagues some of these pictures during the Sales Conference. She commented that Leecher & me looked very 恩爱. I responded by rolling my eyes. When I came back, I told Leecher that my China colleague said we very 恩爱 and guess what! Leecher rolled his eyes too, lol! Is that what you call telepathy?

Still cruising along to our destination. The boat ride was really better than expected! I was all braced for sea state 4 or 5, but I would rank this a 0.
Leecher looked out and spotted this 
Yeah, finally arrived at our destination :)

Let the adventure begins!

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