After departing from 富田花園農場, we walked over to 爱情故事馆. Love Story Building is located along the main road when we alighted from the bus, hence it was quite easy to re-trace the route back from Tomita Farm.
Helping couples to take pictures :) gladly obliged so I can build up on good karma during my trips, so people will gladly take pictures for me too, haha!
See, karma returned almost immediately.
The outdoor area, where I think would be great for holding weddings. I can totally imagine couples saying their vows in front of the lil chapel. The sun was scorching hot, so we hurried into the building to enjoy the air-con and looking at the exhibits.
Let the tour begin! This place is actually quite small, with a couple of exhibits. Can easily finish in less than 1 hour.
Since we are in a "love" environment, must get Leecher to propose to me (again) in front of the lil chapel.
While browsing through wedding accessories, we spotted a pic of 刘畊宏 & wife, with best friend Jay Chou. From this pic, I think Jay Chou looked more like the groom than best man.
Signature of President Ma. Think this is the prized possession of this place.
Leecher trying to show off his (lack of) music talent.
Parents-in-law, taking a break before moving to the next destination.
Vespa! We all wanted a picture with it. Notice the walls were all filled up with chinese words .... on one panel, it gave an insight to what kind of husband/wife will each horoscope sign be and here's what our horoscope says:
* 射手座老婆性子火爆,虽然常会为兼顾事业和家庭吵架, 对丈夫发脾气, 但她仍然爱他的.
*双鱼座老公天生温柔体贴好相处,但随着年龄的增加,受到流年的影响, 他们不但性子急, 还自以为是.天生是个一家之主的架子.
Hmm, not so true afterall, but who knows for sure? Maybe time will tell :)
Love Story Building 爱情故事馆
桃 園 縣 大 溪 鎮 復 興 路 1 段 1 0 3 7 號
Tel :(03) 387-1566