Saturday, July 31, 2010

Japan Day 15 P2

Behold, it's me Leecher blogging here. (must contribute my fair bit or risk facing the wrath of You-Know-Who)

Another round of cleansing since we are entering the main hall of Sensoji temple.

One of the most majestic cleansing ponds I have seen so far.

We didn't take a lot of pictures within the temple for fear of "offending the gods", instead we spent most of our time at Asakusa looking for this shop! Courtesy of one of my colleague who told me there's this shop which sells freshly grilled Senbei (a kind of Japanese rice crackers)

Look Blamer was so happy holding onto her Senbei!

I like mine wrapped in a piece of nori. Adds flavour and extra crunch to the cracker.

Next Blamer spotted these cute round balls and wouldn't leave me alone till I promised to let her try one.

The texture was very much like our glutinous rice balls except that they were more colourful and has a slight flavour to it. I believed what Blamer tried was yam flavour.

This was slowly turning out to be a feasting spree. No guesses to what we were having next... ...

But I spotted something else at the same shop front, partly seduced by the aroma lingering in the air.

This was really interesting, I suspect it was made of coconut sugar, or what is commonly known as "black sugar", and they have a coating of soy sauce brushed onto it, giving it a savoury yet sweet taste at the same.

And then the shop lady offered me something else. Spicy! Many ways to eat this snack I must say, but this was way too spicy for me!!!

Which make our initially objective much more appealing to me at the moment... ...

Blamer seems to be exceptionally happy to get her hands on the food, I'm just relieved to be able to extinguish the fire in my mouth.

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