Rise and shine! Breakfast @ the usual place and I took more pics this time

The juices are really fresh- pure juices w/o being diluted by water. This is Rinta's fave corner for she claims that she can stand at the section the whole day just drinking juices.
Walked around and decided to have my 1st round of cereals. Nv been a cereal person until that fateful day Andrew brought cereals to the office .... since then, I think I consumed almost 30% of his cereals, haha

Still hungry, I ordered the plain dona again :)

Rinta - wearing her salwar kameez (literally translated into pants and tops). Love the vibrant colours on her clothes. Maybe I should buy 1 set for myself next time :P

Rinta decided to go for the Mesala Omelette, which is quite delicious, except for the leaves (which I hate absolutely!)

After a heavy breakfast, we headed off to our client's place located near the Bombay Stock Exchange. This is the square in front of the building, whereby the security is quite strict and there's actually a policeman scrutinizing the cars that drive into the square.

Dalal Street is the equivalent of the Wall Street in India

Pic of the 2 pretty babes @ work, haa

We must walk through the barrier only when it signals "WALK", quite old-school

Met up with the CEO of the company, turned out that I already met him last yr when he was the CEO of another company, haha. Only recognise his name when I saw it on his name-card. 45 mins later, time to head out for lunch. While waiting for the driver to come, I was away snapping pics of the surrounding. The sound of horns filled the air - I think it's the way drivers communicate to one another. People can just jay-walk as though it's the most normal thing on earth.

The driver of this cab just parked in the middle of the road and started to clean his car, power sia. The circled part in the pic is the fare meter, interesting rite?

Went back to the hotel to have lunch - look @ the spread! I was busy taking pics for Leecher to drool at, since he will most prob be lunching alone in Hong Lim Food Complex, haha.
Salad bar, lots of variety to choose from. I am not a greens person, so I took the prawns instead, haha.

The smoked salmon is pretty decent - though I prefer the ones yesterday

International - love the beancurd with prawn baked with cheese

These crackers are damn good, esp those shelled-like ones. It's a pity that i didn't manage to buy them for Leecher to try.

Snacks/Side dishes (can't rem the exact name though) - but I like dhokla (yellow "gueh" at the top left) taste like our version of 猪场粉

Ordered the cheese naan (my fave!) & Roti

Our feast - must eat in small portions so I can try different variety, haha.

Can't wait to dig in - yummy!

Next up, desserts time! Do you know that when STRESSED (spelt backwards) = DESSERTS? I must be feeling kinda stressed out (by Leecher, I think :P)

Cakes - bet they must have tasted delicious but I didn't try it :(

The mango & chocolate mousse - instantly melt in my mouth, wow!

The rest of the selection - I think I took everything that was on display :O

Our feast - I took almost everything that has to do with chocolate, yummy!

After the spread, it's back to work again. This time, we need to travel across town to see a client. My first time spotting Mac in India (but didn't have a chance to taste it)

This is their main train station, very Victorian-looking.

The father-and-son that held up the traffic by pushing their cart in 1 lane. Despite all the horning, they just continue to move @ their speed. 真佩服他们的坚持!

We ended all our appointments for the day . So, decided to go to a beauty palour, hee :) to reward ourselves. I opted for face threading instead
Before my virgin face threading session ... oh that's dent dent! he finally got some air time on this blog :)

Applying the cooling mask on my face after threading .... (I must be crazy to post my picture here, deter my potential suitors away leh....LOL)

Yeah, my 红红的 "hair-less" face, 好像monkey的屁股....

Next up, Rinta brought me to Dome @ Inter-Continental hotel (overlooking the Arabian Sea) to view the splendid sunset view.

Nice and cosy place to chill out. The whole place was literally bathed in candle lights when it's nearing dusk.

Meet up with Rinta's fren - Lavi. Had some snacks while we engaged in girl talk.

It's a pity the canopy are up due to the monsoon season, if not, the view will be even more magnificant.

See how strong the wind is with the little "window" left open? The whole place might have been a war zone if not for the canopy.

Didn't manage to catch the sun-set, for it was cloudy :( However, the view quite made up for it. The street will light up at night and the Queen's necklace will be formed.

Back to the hotel for dinner. Rinta & me went to Masala Kraft for authentic Indian food.

The interior of the restaurant - there was even a fireplace, but I was too paiseh to capture it for there were some patrons sitting there. I had my best meal in India here :P

Indian food has 3 very unique ingredients: secrets, tricks and magic. At Masala, they added a fourth: Kraft. It is the delicate art of slow roasting spices (masala), the most important ingredient of the Indian cuisine. Once the spices have been endowed with the magic touch of their chef, customers will have a taste that never fails to linger. They even have unique names for their menu in classifying the appetizers, main courses, international cuisines etc.

The unique candle-light holder, that contained all the spices used in the dishes and the "Masala Kraft" bottle cover.

The lime was wrapped with yellow mesh, so that patrons could squeeze out the juice without having to pick up the seeds. (PS: I showed Leecher this pic and he thought that it was chocolate >_<")

I really love the crackers. You can eat it on its own or dip into the chilli sauce for the extra spice. This lamb kebab will be the only reason why I will go back to India again. It literally melts in your mouth. The waiter told us the story behind this dish ....
"There was once a king who loved meat and hunting. Once, he went hunting and unfortunately, he fell off from his horse and broke all his teeth. Being a meat lover, he told his royal chef to think of a dish that will allow him to eat without having to chew - that was how this dish was invented ....."

The chef preparing our naan

Cheese naan .... my fave naan besides the garlic ones.

Butter chicken and Red Kidney Beans curry - both sauces are super rich in flavour, yummy!

We had to use our hands to eat the food, for the real authentic taste. The waiter will drop by with a pot of water and basin for you to wash your hands once you have finished the meal. The amazing thing is that your hands will smell of rose after washing!
This is the Indian version of 槟榔. I tried it and immediately spit out, cuz the taste was too overwhelming.

Both of us were extremely full after the meal and we took a little walk around the hotel. I just had to post this pic to end this entry :)