Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Grandparents + Great Granny Birthdays

My grandparents have lived for almost 70+ years & didn't had a chance to have a birthday celebration, much less a birthday cake. So, the family got together and planned a birthday celebration for them. 
We celebrated his birthday in Nov & I was tasked to go pick up the cake for the occasion. Mummy dearest & her siblings each took charge of 1 item to bring for the gathering.
Durian cake, with longevity peach buns as decoration.  
Mummy dearest even made 红鸡蛋.
Grand-dad with his first ever birthday cake. A gigantic version, some more. 
with 叔公
See how happy Grand-dad is, clapping his hands as we sang happy birthday song.
Grand-dad was so funny and he even asked "那里切蛋糕?" - he heart-pain to destroy his bdae cake. 
Auntie took over and cut the cake for everyone, while Grand-dad can only looked on to see his birthday cake crumbling to pieces, lol! 
Since got celebrate grand-dad's birthday, how can don't celebrate grand-ma's birthday right? Must be fair, so we celebrated grandma's birthday the following month. Again, I was tasked to go collect the cake. Easy peasy.
Same cake design for Grandma, lol! 
 The rest of the relatives/cousins waiting for the table to be set up.
Table filled up with goodies!
群众要求 a "loving" pic of my grandparents, lol! 
Grandma with all her daughers. The tight bond of mothers-daughers :) 
And not forgetting us, the grandchildren, lol!  
Her smile when we sang her the birthday song :)   
Blowing out her 1st candle. 
My lil nephew enjoying his cake, haha! 

On a related note, we also celebrated great-granny's 99th birthday. Great-granny has grown weak over the years, having undergone an operation when she fell down the stairs a couple of years back. Now, she spends most of her time in bed. She will still remember all of us, though she will get a bit confused recognizing us if we were to wear our specs. 
We didn't know that it was great-granny's birthday until great-aunt told us. So, we went to buy a cake & headed over to her place to celebrate it with her.
 Great-grandma with her birthday cake :)

With mummy dearest, 1st Auntie and grand-aunt.
Like my grand-parents, she blew a birthday candle for the 1st time in her life. 
May you be healthy always and live to a ripe old age! 

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