Showing posts with label Chef Blamer and Leecher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chef Blamer and Leecher. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2013

Junior Chefs @ Work I

After almost 2 years of eating outside, we've decided that it was time we step into the kitchen (occassionally) and prepare some quick fix meals to curb our hunger pangs! Mummy dearest is the world's greatest cook but I nv manage to inherit any of her superb cooking genes, haha! Well well, it's never too late to start learning :) 
We made a trip to the nearest supermarket to get all the necessary ingredients. Boy, I really love filling up the trolley with goodies & we ended up with more junk food (snacks) than proper food :P Reached home and immediately start to marinate the chicken fillet with sugar, pepper, oyster sauce and sesame oil. With my amateur skills, I don't think I'm qualified to prepare a step-by-step tutorial yet :) Left it overnight in the fridge before cooking it the day after.

So, over the weekend, we prepared burrito wraps for lunch. The original recipe was for beef, but we traded it for chicken and modified some of the steps for a fuss-free cooking experience! I certainly don't wish to create a tornado in the kitchen just for cooking a simple dish :P  
I took over the chopping board while Leecher watched the stove. Sliced & diced capsicum, lettuce and cheddar cheese for the fillings. 
Frying the marinated chicken together with capsicum. Of cuz, I had to sneak a few bites here and there, lol! 
Place the wrap over the pan and put in all the ingredients on top.  You can add in as much ingredients as you want, but leave enough space to fold the wrap.
Secure it with a toothpick and leave it over small fire for the cheese to melt :)
Finally, served with a glass of wine of your own preference! 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Meals in the House

I've noticed a trend on Facebook & I'm sure that every one of us is guilty of it as well, heehee! When new couples moved into their apartment once renovation is finished, the 1st thing that they will normally post will be their kitchen adventures - of them whipping up simple meals & enjoying it in the comfort of their place :) Leecher is the chef of the kitchen & I've decided to bestow the title to him, since I know that cooking is something that is alien to me. Guess Mummy dearest has to impart all her skills to Leecher then, lol!
Leecher, preparing for our first meal @ the house :) 
 Instant noodles! I've tried to cut down on eating instant noodles since it is supposedly bad to health, though I don't deny the fact that it's extremely convenient in curbing your hunger pangs.

Leecher's new creation of harshbrown hamburger, with tuna & eggs, lol!
  I decided to have mine separated as individual items.
Riding on his "hamburger" craze, he went on to create tofu hamburger with scrambled eggs for one of our weekend breakfast.
A simple meal of 4 dishes for dinner on a Friday night. 
Eggs with nuggets for breakfast, using the table map that we bought for the house. 
Tuna & eggs with porridge when we wanted something light. 

Parents-in-law came over too and Mummy-in-law whipped out a feast in our small kitchen.
Lotus pork rib soup.
Prawns ready to be steamed.
Ta-dah! Our feast for that night :) 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cooking with Blamer

It's one of those days when I feel like practicing my cooking, since I know Blamer isn't much of a cook unlike her mum.

My ingredients for the dish... ...

Can you guess what is the dish?

One more clue... ... Yup trying out cereal prawns. That's me frying the cereal with garlic.

Throwing in the prawns which was pre-panfried so that they would be more crispy.

Looking good right?

End product. How? Got restaurant standard or not?

Blamer decided that she would not be 看扁 and wanted to whip out a dish of her own too.

Her most impt ingredient... ...

And she is forcing me to take photos of each and every step she was taking to make the SIMPLE dish. Dun see her doing the same when I was conjuring up mine.

Her Portobello mushrooms which were washed and boiled till 70% cooked.

Lotsa cheese on top the mushrooms and a little salt to taste.

Into the oven!

Her end product. I sprinkled some Italian herbs on top so that they look more appetizing.

Seems like she is starting to get the hang of things, Blamer decided do another SIMPLE dish.

Wa the salad got the looks of a pro. But come to think of it, who dun know how to make salad???

Other dishes done by my dear mummy to complement what we had.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jelly-Hearts for Leecher

Time to put on the apron again to make my 爱心甜品 for Leecher :) - unknowingly adding inches to his ever-expanding waistline, hahaha

Ingredients for the day

Decided to try my hands at making JellyHearts for Leecher. Making this 爱心甜品 is easy, but it would require 2-3 days effort. So, I had to start preparing the 1st layer on Wednesday (which I knew Leecher won't come and bother me, since he had an appt with his fren).

The biscuit layer had to stay in the fridge till it harden. Once it's ready, we can proceed with the 2nd layer.

I specially cut the strawberries into heart-shaped, haha. Looks very yummy rite? The 2nd layer is kinda time-consuming, but once you finished it, you know the journey is almost over. Hang it there!

The last & final layer is quick and easy, no brainer at all. Pour the syrup over the strawberries & leave it in the fridge overnight.

Ta-dah! The completed master-piece ... ♥

Packing the little Jellyhearts into my 爱心便当 for Leecher

Completed with his fave purple ribbons :)
Happy Valentine, my sweet Valentine! Hugs & muacks!
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